Fundamentals of the theory of circles

The goal is mastering the fundamental concepts, the theory and methodology of modern foundations of the theory of circles, the formation of a scientific outlook and the electrical engineering culture of bachelors.

The program of the subject "Fundamentals of Circle Theory" provides for the study of electrical and magnetic circuits and methods for their calculation. At the same time, students' knowledge of physical processes in electric and magnetic circles is expanding and deepening.

The study of the subject is based on the materials of a number of fundamental disciplines, especially mathematics and physics, and in turn are the theoretical basis for the study of the following subjects of the special cycle, the improvement of practical skills and the logical thinking of bachelors.

As a result of studying the subject, bachelors must be formed knowledge, skills and practical skills for better mastering of professionally oriented disciplines.

As a result of studying the discipline, the bachelor must know:

  • basic historical information about the development of electrical engineering;
  • main electrical and magnetic phenomena, their physical essence and the possibility of practical application;фізичні закони, на яких базується теорія кіл і витікаючи з них наслідки, правила, методи розрахунку;
  • terminology, designation and units of measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities;
  • conditional graphic designations of elements of electric and magnetic circuits according to ESKD;
  • rules of technical operation and safety when using electrotechnical and radio engineering devices.

Bachelor should be able to:

  • to understand the basic and circuit diagrams of electric and magnetic circuits;
  • to make electric and magnetic circuits according to the given principal or assembly schemes;
  • find faults in existing circuits;
  • to choose control-measuring devices and devices of protection for the given working conditions;
  • Perform calculation of electrical and magnetic circuits using reference materials and computer technology.


Course Type: 
Subject Professor: 
Doozorsky V.G.
2 курс 4 семестр