Results and prospects of Ukrainian-French scientific cooperation

Through the Program of joint actions between Ukraine and France in the field of scientific and technological cooperation, the University has developed many years of fruitful cooperation with the laboratories of the leading French universities. Published over 50 joint scientific articles in high-ranking international journals (Scopus, Web of Science), 4 of which are included in Quantile (impact publication databases with a factor of more than 4). 7 joint theses (Universities Pascal Bleza Clermont-Ferrand, Compiègne, Grenoble, Sorbonne Paris-South) are protected by the co-tutelle joint programs. The researchers of TNTU carried out a number of joint projects with the support of various international grants.

It is important to sign a university professor Peter Jaśník, the rector of the University, in Paris on the agreement on the scientific and educational cooperation and preparation of masters in the double diploma program with the French N + i Network of Higher Engineering Schools, which enables our best students to study and study simultaneously in French universities within the framework of academic programs exchange of Erasmus + and CampusFrance.