Anna Yaskiv


2007-2011 - Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Puluj, direction of radio electronic devices. Received a bachelor's degree with honors.

2011-2012 - Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Puluj, specialty "Biotechnical and medical systems and apparatuses". Received a Master's degree with honors.

February 2012 - July 2012 - University of California (UCI), Irvine, USA. In the framework of the master's program under the guidance of Professor K. Smedley in his Laboratory of Power Electronics prepared the thesis of master's work.

September 2012 - November 2012 - Ivan Puluj Ternopil National Technical University, Junior Researcher.

2012-2015 - Ivan Puluj Ternopil National Technical University, postgraduate student of the Department of Biotechnical Systems, specialty 01.05.02 - mathematical modeling and computational methods.

Since September 2015 - Ivan Puluj Ternopil National Technical University, assistant professor of radio engineering systems department.

Languages: Ukrainian - native, Russian - fluent, English - fluent, German-beginner.

He is the author of 17 publications, including 8 patents.

Teaches the following disciplines: "Principles of telecommunications and radio engineering".

Scientific interests: mathematical modeling in power electronics.