Vasil Dunets

Head of the Department of Radio Engineering Systems
Candidate of Engineering Sciences

In 2004 I graduated with honors from the magistracy of Ternopil State Technical University named after Ivan Puluj in the specialty "Biotechnical and medical devices and systems".

In 2007 I graduated from the Ivan Puluj Ternopil State Technical University in the specialty 01.05.02 - Mathematical modeling and computational methods.

In 2013 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty 01.05.02 - Mathematical modeling and computational methods. on the theme: "Mathematical model and method of working out of electrocardiosignal at physical load for the increase of accuracy of cardio-diagnostic systems" (scientific advisor Dr.-mn., Prof. Dragan Ya.P.).

At the Department of Radio Systems works from 2013: Assistant (since 2013), Senior Lecturer (since 2015), Associate Professor (since 2016), Acting Head of the Department (from 2017).

The author of 18 publications, including 7 articles.

Teaches the following disciplines: "Analogue electronic devices", "Digital signal processing" "Systems of automated design and modeling of RES", "Designing of digital devices for the FPGA", "Adaptive signal processing systems".

Scientific interests: mathematical modeling and methods of processing signals.