Bohdan Yavorskyy

Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering Systems
Doctor of Technical Sciences

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Bogdan Ivanovich Yavorsky is the founder and head of the scientific school "Mathematical modeling and processing of technogenic and natural complex signals", which since 1992 has been operating at the Ivan Puluj Ternopil National Technical University (TNTU). The main directions of the activity of the school's scientists concern the formalization of knowledge about the signals received in the applied field in mathematical models and the use of these models in the construction and improvement of techniques for the identification of complex signals, the evaluation of their characteristics and parameters, recognition, etc. Scientific School of Professor Yavorsky B.I. is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists. Born b. Yavorsky April 18, 1949 in Ternopil.

After graduating in 1971, Lviv Polytechnic began his labor activity at the Zolochiv Radio Plant as an engineer-technologist, and continued to work at the Ternopil National Economic University, where he traveled from an engineer to a teacher.

While working, he was actively engaged in research, researching intelligent radio electronic systems (IRES) to identify and identify sources of a priori unknown, complex signals. At present, he is the head of the department "Biotechnical systems" of Ivan Puluj TNTU. The achievement of Bogdan Ivanovich is the discovery (for the first time in science) of cyclo-stationary noise from digital signal processing, the establishment of conditions for their occurrence and determination of their characteristics, which has become a significant contribution to the development of the theory of digital circles and signals. His new scientific results are the simulation of signals and systems based on equipped Hilbert spaces with a positive space of equipment with a playable correlation kernel, and useful applied results - increasing the technical and economic efficiency through adaptation to the signal of information-measuring, tomographic, monitoring, communication and expert systems. As a result of scientific research, about 300 scientific works of the scientist were published, of which 7 inventions, monographs, manuals, over 90 scientific articles in professional editions and over 100 abstracts of papers and articles in collections of works of conferences and symposiums.

Representatives of a scientific school led by B.I. Yavorsky conducts joint research with foreign partners, in particular with the Mogilev University (Belarus), Bialystok University (Poland) on applied problems. The high scientific level of research is confirmed by numerous publications on their results in well-known national and international journals and collections, in particular the USA, Canada, France, Poland, Russia, Belarus and China. Bogdan Ivanovich is a member of the scientific-methodical, technical and academic councils of the Ivan Franko TPUU, the editorial board of the scientific journal "Herald of TNTU" and a member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of dissertations. He manages the scientific research of the department "Biotechnical systems", researches of postgraduates. Advises applicants for a Ph.D. degree. It is a part of a number of national and international scientific institutions.